We are finally back at the Concert Hall!
Leading orchestras, choirs, soloists from Israel performing classical and jazz music
Founder and artistic director: Andres Mustonen.
MustonenFest Tallinn - Tel Aviv 2022
Dear faithful friends of Festival, dear music lovers,
The strange year 2021 comes to an end, and we start looking forward, with hopes, to 2022.
As you certainly noticed, in 2021, our festival Tallinn – Tel Aviv was much shorter and slimmer than usual, but I’m happy that it did take place at all, that I could make music with excellent Israeli musicians, that many of you came to listen, and we can offer you now a memory of one of the concerts. HERE:
In 2022, we plan to start our 9th festival again in the second half of February, as usual, and to continue through March; some concerts may follow also in the Autumn. There will be joint events with our dear and long-term partners Baroccada, Israel Camerata, featuring Estonian soloists, and with Jerusalem Baroque Orchestra.
In the spotlight, there will be a tour by my ensemble Hortus Musicus which celebrates its 50th anniversary! The ensemble will perform a variety of programmes: Israeli and Estonian contemporary music at Haifa University, Oriental parade at the Islamic Art Museum in Jerusalem, and German baroque together with Jerusalem Baroque Orchestra.
You’ll find the dates and details soon on this webpage.
I’d like to wish to you, my dear and faithful friends, good health and happiness and many wonderful hours with music in 2022.
Osher u briut, le haim!
See you soon!
Andres Mustonen
Founder and artistic leader
MustonenFest Tallinn – Tel Aviv, Estonian-Israeli annual music festival

Many thanks to: